Love on a Ranch Box Set Read online

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  Casting it down on the end of the sofa, his hands roamed her breasts. She sighed and mewled with pleasure as he teased her nipples before reaching round to unclasp her bra. She had nice breasts, neither too big nor too small. They were firm and full, and her nipples ached with desire. He nuzzled her, flicking the tips with his tongue, and she purred her pleasure.

  She found herself laying full length on the sofa on her back. He shielded her with his frame and his hands and tongue roved, exploring her. He met no resistance. Rose was almost panting with need, inclining her hips. Her right leg was bent at the knee, her left splayed indecently, allowing him full access to what lay between. She moaned as his fingers probed her slick depths.

  "You're so wet," he murmured huskily as he reamed her with his fingers.

  She cried out in pleasure. He kept his fingers inside her as he shifted position, lowering his head to feast on her sex. When his tongue found her clit she almost screamed in her impatience. Her breath came in great gasps, and her hips were rocking, her pelvis tilted upwards as she sought release. When it came, her face was wet with tears. Never had she had such a perfect orgasm. It went on and on as wave after wave hit, leaving her sated and almost sobbing from emotion.

  He raised his head and smiled at her, wiping the tears from her eyes, and kissing her lips.

  "Taste yourself," he said huskily.

  His lips pressed down on hers and his tongue explored her mouth so that she did indeed taste her own juices. The act made her feel utterly decadent and wanton. To her utter surprise, she felt the stir in her loins again and knew she could orgasm again. He knew it too. This time, he worked on her clit with the fingers of his right hand, all the while looking at her face.

  "I want to see your face when you come, baby," he whispered. "Come for me."

  He was doing such delicious things to her that she really had no option. The pressure began to build rapidly and she felt herself close. She could feel the harness of his cock pressing into her and she reached down and groped the huge bulge that threatened to burst through his jeans. She unzipped him. He groaned as his cock sprang free. God, but it was beautiful - big and thick and... she stroked the shaft. He began breathing heavily. It wouldn't take much for him to reach a climax. He was so aroused. She was a goddess. He couldn't get enough of her. His fingers continued to circle and flick the hard nub of her clit. He bent to kiss her lips as she massaged his shaft. With a shudder, he exploded, in synch with her own climax. They hugged close, breathing each other's breath, kissing deeply, and then with a shudder, he eased off her a little, removing his weight from her body, and he looked down at her.

  "Rose, darling, if that's what a spanking does to you, I really think you should get spanked every single day."

  Too exhausted to speak, she laughed and lay back, basking in a haze of contentment.


  Hank didn't return to his hotel that night, he stayed with Rose. She realised how lonely she had been and how wonderful it was to have someone to snuggle up to in bed. They lay together, naked, his warm hard body next to hers, as she cradled her head against his chest. She half expected them to indulge in full on sex, though was slightly worried as she had stopped taking the pill weeks ago.

  "I'm not going to take advantage," he said, as though he sensed what she was thinking.

  "Take advantage? Haven't you already done that to an extent?" she teased.

  "Yeah," he drawled. "But I don't have penetrative sex on the first date."

  "Second, maybe?" she asked hopefully.

  He chuckled and squeezed her buttocks. "Depends. These things should be savoured, not rushed into."

  "I'm all for savouring," she said, although the wanton part of her that had just been kicked into life wanted otherwise.

  "Good. I guess I'm just an old fashioned guy at heart. We'll wait till the time is right."

  "You're a great big cuddly bear," she said, tweaking his nipple. "AND a fat ape beastly butt-head!"

  "Right, Missy!" he roared. "Calling me names gets you spanked - and spanked proper!"

  Rose giggled, wondering what she had done, given that she was still tender from earlier. But it was too late for recriminations. He spun her round so that she was lying face down, and he stuffed a couple of pillows under her tummy, to elevate her bottom.

  He started off with more hand spanking - harder this time, given that she had already had a warm up. Her buttocks bounced and jiggled under the onslaught. Rose squealed and kicked and at one point tried to get up, but he put a hand on the small of her back. Forcing her into position, so she stayed exactly where she was.

  There was a brief pause and the bed creaked as he got off and walked to the chair where he had left his clothes.

  "Oh - what have I done? Are you going?" The thought of him leaving now was unbearable.

  "No way, baby. I'm not going anywhere. I'm just getting my belt for you to try."

  "Eeek - you mean you're going to use that thing on me?!

  "Uh huh. Just a little - to start with. And you deserve it for calling me names, remember."

  He held her gaze as he folded the belt in half, and then wrapped the buckle end around his hand, leaving a hefty looking twelve inch doubled over strap dangling. The first blow sounded like a pistol shot in the small room, and Rose yelled out - but more in shock than pain. He delivered six strokes on each buttock, deliberately lightly. It wouldn't do to scare her away. When she seemed relatively relaxed, he started laying the strap on a little harder. It flew through the air and cracked down sharply on her unprotected bottom.

  "OWWWW!" shrieked Rose. "It hurts a lot more than your hand."

  "Doesn't it just," he grinned. "So now, next time you misbehave, you will know what to expect.

  The belt teased over her buttocks slowly, and then came cracking down with a loud splat as it made contact with her red bottom. He aimed low, right at the crease where buttock meets thigh. And enjoyed her howls and squirming s, and the delightful hue her bottom was turning with broad red stripes emblazoned over her globes.

  "Magnificent. If only I could paint, I'd show you what your bottom looks like now."

  "I'll see for myself," she quipped, and jumped up to look at it through the mirror. "Oh, boy! Just look at that!"

  "Pretty isn't it? Don't worry, I didn't strap you very hard. Those marks will be non existent by the morning.."

  "They will?" In a strange way, she was disappointed. Those marks were a sort of trophy. She didn't want to lose them so quickly.

  "Yep - but no worries - I'll give you some new ones! Now come back to bed, wench. I have an erection the size of a telegraph pole, and I need you to do something about it."

  "Gosh, the size of a telegraph pole? You are SO modest!" she teased, and set about fulfilling his request.


  The next couple of weeks were the best ever. They saw each other every day and toured the medieval town of Lincoln, exploring the cathedral and the castle and a host of little bistro's and cafés. They walked over the 16th century High Bridge arm in arm eating ice cream cornets. They investigated all the quaint little shops and intriguing alleyways, and wandered up Steep Hill towards the historic quarter of Bailgate.

  "This is fabulous," enthused Hank. "We have none of this in Texas."

  "Texas is just a lot of cows," quipped Rose.

  "It is NOT!" said Hank, his eyes wide with pretend outrage. "That earns you another ten spanks later, young lady," he whispered in her ear. "And they'll be on your bare bottom." He watched her reaction. She always blushed whenever he mentioned bare bottom spankings. He was, he had to admit, so much in love with this woman.

  Everything was perfect. And then, three days before Hank was due to fly back to Texas, everything went horribly wrong.

  Rose finished her shift at the Courtyard Café at noon and made her way home to shower and change. Hank was picking her up just after 2 30pm and they were going to drive over to a local nature reserve, and have a walk round, and sit in one of
the bird hides where they could take photographs for Hank to add to his collection to show the folks back home. Apparently Hank's younger brother, Scott, was keen on bird watching. At the nature reserve they hoped to see wigeon, teal, tufted duck, pochard and goldeneye, great crested grebes, mallard and kingfishers. Hank was keen to get pictures of them all for Scott. But circumstances conspired against Rose and Hank, and the trip to the nature reserve never materialised.

  Rose rushed into the cottage, dumped her bag, and dashed upstairs for a quick shower. Five minutes later she came downstairs wearing a large white towelling bath sheet, her wet hair wrapped up in a pink towel. She made her way into the sitting room where she had left her hair dryer and stopped in surprise in the doorway. There was a sandy-haired man sitting on the sofa, idly flicking through the pages of a magazine. He discarded the magazine as she appeared, and stood up.


  "Peter! What... what are you doing here? How did you find me? How did you get in?!" Her face paled.

  "I paid a private investigator to track you down. It wasn't difficult. I got in through the door - which you had left open, silly girl. And I came because I love you, Rose. I've missed you. I've come to take you home."

  "Home?" she whispered. "This is my home now."

  "Nonsense. Pack your things, love. I'm taking you back to my place."

  Her head whirled. "You can't... you can't just walk in here and expect to pick up where you left off. I don't want you here! And what about Gloria?"

  "Oh her." Pete shrugged. "That didn't last very long. We split. It's you I want - always have, always will."

  Rose glared angrily at Pete. "How dare you bother me here!"

  "Bother you?" he laughed. "Oh come on. Don't be a drama queen. You know you've missed me."

  "At first, maybe. But then I took stock and realised what an absolute bastard you are, and I was glad our relationship ended."

  "It hasn't ended, Rosie. He took a step towards her and pulled off her towel. "You're as lovely as ever. Give me a kiss." He lunged forwards and kissed her mouth.

  Shocked, she stood there, not making any attempt to fight him off. He removed the towel from her head and let her long hair tumble down her back. His hands roved her body, one hand crushing her breasts, the other darting down past the dark triangle below her belly, his fingers probing her sex.

  Arriving early, Hank saw her naked form, saw another man kissing her and fondling her. For a moment, he was so stunned he couldn't move or speak. A fraction of a second morphed into a timeless eternity. He stood there, the colour draining from his face as he watched his dreams for the future evaporate.

  Eventually, he spoke. His tone was clipped, his voice icy. "Rose. I see you have made alternative arrangements for this afternoon. I'll be seeing you." Without waiting to find out her reaction, Hank turned and walked away, his fingers balled into fists. He wanted to punch the guy's teeth down the back of his throat, but the only thing that prevented him from doing so was the fact that Rose was in the way, and he couldn't bear to look at her. Not now. Not ever.

  "Hank!" shrieked Rose. "Hank! Wait! Wait! Please!"

  But it was too late. The car door slammed, the engine revved, and Hank drove away. He was shocked to the core, with a terrible iciness filling him, hardening his heart. On arriving at his hotel, he ignored the cheery greeting of the desk staff and strode grim faced through the lobby. Once inside his room he quickly packed his bags and headed back downstairs, still in the same state of shock and upset and deep disappointment, now tempered with a simmering anger. With a total absence of his customary charm and banter, he paid the bill and checked out with a curt nod and the minimum of words. Then he slung his bags into the boot of the car, drove to the airport, dropped off the hire car, and negotiated an earlier flight home. By the time a tearful Rose arrived at his hotel to explain, he was long gone.


  "Hey buddy - good trip?"

  "Adequate," growled Hank. "I need a shower and sleep."

  Scott looked on in surprise as his brother, his face dark as a stormy afternoon, walked past him and headed off to his room.

  "Hmmm. I take it that was some lousy trip," murmured Scott as he watched the retreating figure.

  "What's got into him? Here's your coffee, Scott."

  "Thanks, Mary Lou. Lord knows - I've only ever seen that thunderous look on his face when he's had woman trouble."

  "Oh yeah?" Mary Lou, assistant cook at the Armstrong ranch, suppressed a smile. She had hankered after the handsome Hank for a long time. And if he had broken up with some woman, then maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for her. "Guess I'll just have to try cheering him up then," she quipped.

  "Leave him be. Looks like he needs some time to himself. He'll tell me later what's eating him."

  Mary Lou shrugged, tossed her head, and marched back to the kitchen, her brown pony tail swinging jauntily behind her. In the kitchen she found Hannah, the head cook and Kayla, the other assistant cook busy about their work making preparations for supper.

  "There you are, Mary Lou. Give Kayla a hand with the veg will you?" said Hannah. "We're catering for 55 tonight, so there's no time for idling."

  Aside from the two Armstrong boys and their pa, Isaac, the kitchen supplied meals to nine ranch hands, Ella the housekeeper, and the other two housekeeping staff, Faith and Rebecca. So that meant 15 staff would be eating later in the big ranch kitchen, while the boys and Isaac Armstrong, along with their 37 paying guests would have supper in the large dining room.

  "Sure, Hannah. But first, Hank's back, and he's asked me to take him up a quick snack to tide him over until supper."

  "That boy sure knows how to eat," smiled Kayla. Hank had a reputation for having one hell of an appetite.

  "Be quick then, Mary Lou, and then I want you to peel the potatoes, please. Kayla, when you've prepared the squash, I'd like you to make a big batch of chocolate brownies. The meat's on, and I'll make the pastry for the pies." Hannah prided herself on holding the kitchen together. Under her control, meals were always served on time, and the home cooked food was the best in the county. "You can whip up some cream too," she added. "Fill a large jug for each table and stick them in the chiller until needed."

  "Will do," said Kayla, and got on with it. She loved her work at the Armstrong ranch and everyone was great. Mary Lou could be a bit of a bitch at times, but Kayla had such a willingness to please combined with a sunny disposition that even Mary Lou on a bad day found it hard to be unkind to her.

  Mary Lou smiled to herself as she made a snack for Hank. She cut four thick slices of bread from Hannah's fresh baked loaf, and piled on ham and cheese and lettuce and tomato, with plenty of mayo and seasoning. She cut each of the two robust sandwiches in half and stacked them on a plate. Grabbing a tray, she set out the plate of sandwiches and took a bottle of chilled root beer from the fridge. Hank liked root beer. It would refresh him after the long journey. Carrying the tray of food, she went up to the first floor and headed to Hank's room at the end of the corridor.

  Carefully balancing the tray, she knocked on the door. When there was no answer, she opened it and went inside.

  "Afternoon, Hank," she called.

  The sound of running water came from the adjoining bathroom suite.

  "Hey, Hank. I've brought you something to eat," she said, setting the tray down on a small table. "Made it myself, just the way you like it ."

  "What?" He emerged from the en suite with a white towel wrapped round his waist. His hair was still damp from the shower and his face was slightly pink from the rush of hot water. His chest was magnificent, broad and strong with clearly defined abs and a flat stomach, and his arms were muscular and tanned from plenty of outdoor exercise and training sessions in the gym.

  "Gee - look at you, baby," simpered Mary Lou. "You look like a Roman soldier wearing one of those yoga things."

  "Toga," snapped Hank.

  "Yeah, well that's what I meant," grinned Mary Lou.

nk looked at the food. "I didn't ask for that."

  "I thought you'd be hungry," pouted Mary Lou. "I made your favourite sandwich."

  "I ate on the plane - thanks all the same."

  "Oh. Well - have the root beer then. It's nicely chilled."

  "Ok." Hank flipped off the cap and drank from the bottle.

  "You ok, Hank?"

  "Sure. Why?"

  "Well, it's just that... you seem a bit different, that's all. I wondered if something had happened to upset you."

  "Upset me? Hell yes, you could say that," fumed Hank, and swallowed another few mouthfuls of the cooling liquid.

  "Oh babe - what is it? What's happened? Maybe I can help?"

  "Some bloody English woman has pissed me off, that's all. Now - if you don't mind, Mary Lou, I need to get dressed."

  Ignoring the not so subtle hint to leave the room, Mary Lou persisted. "English women," she said contemptuously. "Don't bother with stupid English women when you can get yourself an American gal. What did she do to piss you off?"

  "Rose is far from stupid," said Hank softly, and the wave of sadness descended again as the image of her came into his mind.

  "Aww, hon, don't be upset." Mary Lou seized her chance and darted forward to give the big man a hug. "Let me take your mind off the stupid cow."

  Rough hands grabbed her shoulders and shoved her away. "Don't let me ever hear you disrespecting her again! Do you understand?"

  Mary Lou gulped and nodded. He sure looked mad.

  "Now, mind your own business for once Mary Lou, and get yourself out of my room and back to work. I don't pay you to hurl insults at the woman I love."

  Mary Lou's mouth dropped open in shock. So - he had fallen for an English bitch, had he? Well, England was a long way from Texas. He'd soon get over her. And when he was ready for Mary Lou, she would be all ready and waiting for him. Hank was a guy worth waiting for, and she was determined to have him. So, trying not to scowl too much, Mary Lou nodded, picked up the tray, and left the room.

  Hank watched her leave then sat down on the bed with his head in his hands.

  "Oh Rose... what have you done to me?" he murmured.