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Love on a Ranch Box Set Page 4
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Page 4
In the privacy of his room, two solitary tears trickled down his cheeks, as though he was trying to wash all memories of her out of his head. He reached out and picked up the phone to call her; it felt heavy in his hand. He stared at it for a long while and then he returned it to the cradle. There was not much point in calling her now. There was really not much point in anything any more. Despair encircled him like a heavy blanket.
He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. He was tired after the long flight. Maybe a couple of hours sleep before supper would make him feel slightly better. He drifted off to sleep, his head whirling with images of her porcelain skin, lustrous long hair the colour of a raven's wing, and those piercing, hauntingly beautiful green eyes. Rose. Rosemary Windsor. How he loved her. It was unbearable.
Cindy opened the door and helped Rose bring bags and boxes inside.
"I really appreciate you storing them for me, Cindy," said Rose.
"It's no problem. They'll easily fit in the garage. Leave everything here in the hallway for now and come with me into the kitchen. We'll have coffee and I have some chocolate muffins too."
"I have the air tickets. I'll be at San Antonio airport tomorrow afternoon," said Rose, having a final check that she had her passport, tickets, wallet and travellers cheques in her handbag.
"I can't believe you're going to America."
"Well I am. I have to!"
"I know, but - well - you've given up your job and your home. What will you do when you come back to the UK?"
"Get another job and look for somewhere else to live."
"You can stay with me until you get fixed up again," said Cindy.
"Thanks Cindy. That's a weight off my mind, it really is. But to be honest, all I can focus on right now is getting myself out to Texas and finding Hank so I can explain what happened. After that..." she shrugged, wondering what his reaction would be. What if he didn't believe her? She refused to allow herself to even think about that.
"Are you going to phone him? Tell him you are coming over and ask him to meet you at the airport?"
"I thought about that and decided not to. I don't think I could trust myself on the phone. I need to see him, face to face. I need to make him understand I didn't betray him, and that it was all a horrible misunderstanding."
"I can see why he DID misunderstand the situation, him seeing you stark naked being touched up by another man. But - hell, Rose... wait till he sees your poor face."
"Don't remind me," said Rose. She winced. Her eye was still sore. "I shall wear dark glasses. He won't see my black eye until I choose to let him."
"That Pete is SUCH a bastard," hissed Cindy. "Forcing himself on you and getting violent when you wouldn't reciprocate. What a total ARSE. You really should have gone to the police and had him charged for assault."
"I know - but my priority is to leave the country. I shall be in Texas for the next four weeks. I don't want to hang around here giving statements or appearing in court. I want to put Pete and that awful incident behind me and move on."
"Well I still think you should have at least informed the police. If he thinks he's got away with it with you, who knows what he might do to someone else? There's no excuse for violent abuse." Cindy paused and hugged her friend. "Aw, don't cry hon. You've sure had a lousy time of if, but that rat Pete has gone back to his rat hole, and you've made all the arrangements to go and find Hank. What's his ranch called, again?"
"It's known as the Armstrong ranch, and it's in Bandera county. That's all I know."
"And which airport will you finally arrive at?"
"San Antonio."
"How much money do you have?"
"Enough," replied Rose, after a slight hesitation. "She had spent everything she had on air fare, with just a small amount left over for food and travel to Hank's ranch. It was a scary thought.
"Tell you what, kiddo..." Cindy moved towards a blue tin on the top shelf of the cupboard. "Here's my treat tin. I shove money in here and when it's full, I spend it on treats. It's full now, so I am treating you. Here. Take it." She emptied it out onto the table, in a mix of coin and bank notes.
"Cindy... there must be over a hundred pounds there. No. Thank you. It really is very kind of you, but I can't..."
"Oh pants! Of course ya can! You've been a good friend to me since you came to Lincoln and we've had some fun times you and I. If I can't give my friend a little treat once in awhile, life would be very dull. Take it." She tipped the contents into an envelope and pushed it inside Rose's handbag. "I don't want to hear another word!"
"Thanks, Cindy," smiled Rose. "I really can't thank you enough."
"I don't want thanks. Just be safe - and bring me back a handsome cowboy just like yours."
"I don't know if he IS mine," said Rose. "But, I'm going to do my damnedest to make sure he is."
"That's the spirit, girl," said Cindy. "I'm going to miss you."
"And I you," said Rose, giving Cindy a farewell hug. Outside on the street a car honked its horn and there was the noticeable sound of a diesel engine running. "My taxi is here. Time to go."
The two girls embraced and Rose departed with just one piece of hand luggage containing a couple of changes of clothes, a few toiletries, and her sketch pad and pencils.
Three hours later she walked through international departures and boarded a plane.
"Texas, here I come," murmured Rose as the plane taxied along the runway. She closed her eyes and pictured Hank's face. She simply had to see him again and try and make things right. Her life wouldn't be worth living without him in it.
Hank was like a bear with a sore head. He ate supper without tasting it, and made no attempt at conversation, merely responding briefly when pressed to do so.
"What's eating him?" asked Isaac.
"Woman trouble, I reckon," replied his younger son, Scott. "I'll worm the details out of him when he's ready."
"Woman trouble eh? Well, you know your brother - he won't spill the beans until he's good and ready to do so. It must be serious - he's not eaten his chocolate brownies."
Scott glanced at Hank's dessert plate. It remained largely untouched which was very unusual given that chocolate brownies ranked amongst Hank's favourite food.
As for Hank, he sat there still, like a carved and sombre statue. His reverie was interrupted by a shout from Caleb.
"Hey boss, there's a call for you on the reception desk."
"Take a message," growled Hank, then added, "who is it?"
"It's some woman called Cindy. Said she's calling from England. I'll ask her to call back."
"No. I'll take it." Hank got up. Cindy worked with Rose at the café What if something was wrong? What if something bad had happened to Rose? Life wouldn't be worth living without her in it.
Fifteen minutes later, Hank returned to the dining room. He was a changed man. His eyes sparkled and his grin was as wide as could be. He sat down, beamed at everyone, and, since his plate had been cleared away, demanded more brownies.
"Hey bud," said Scott. "You've changed your tune."
"Had some good news, son?" asked Isaac.
"I sure have, pa. My future wife is on her way over!"
"Who is she?!"
Hank laughed at the surprised expressions. "I met her in England. She's a beautiful English rose. That's her name - Rose. She's an artist. She has long dark hair and the most amazingly green eyes."
"Wow son, you sure work quick and no mistake," said Isaac. "I'm looking forward to meeting her real soon."
"Yeah - when did you pop the question then?"
"Ah..." Hank looked at Scott. "I haven't actually asked her yet, but..."
"Haven't asked her?! What if she says no?!"
"She won't," said Hank confidently.
Isaac grinned and went to get his best bottle of bourbon. They certainly had something to celebrate.
Later, when the guests had either retired to
their cabins or the communal lounge, Hank told Scott and his father the full story as relayed to him by Cindy. The two men listened in silence.
"Gee, she must really have fallen for you big time if she's spent all her money on travelling here to be with you... not to mention giving up her cottage because she couldn't afford the rent while she was away and not earning. That really is a sign of commitment. She sounds exactly the sort of person I'd like to have as a daughter in law," smiled Isaac.
"Thanks pa - you won't be disappointed."
"Bet you wish you'd punched the brains out of that Pete guy, said Scott.
"I do," replied Hank, grimly. "And I fully intend to do exactly that. One black eye deserves another - and a few broken ribs thrown in as well."
"Can't say I blame you, bro."
"I'm really ashamed of myself, rushing off like that. I just assumed the worse when I saw her with him."
"Any man in your position would have thought exactly the same," reassured Isaac. "Just be thankful that she's coming to find you and you can make amends. I'm glad for you son. It's about time you settled down with a good woman."
"It wasn't that important before. But it is now." Hank drained his glass and beamed. He was one lucky guy.
The news spread like wildfire around the ranch, which made Hank cringe a little in embarrassment, given that he hadn't actually asked Rose to marry him. But that made the news all the more enjoyable, even if it put Hank as the recipient of a few sarcastic but well-meaning remarks. Everyone liked Hank and was glad for him. Everyone was delighted with the news except one person - Mary Lou. She glowered and banged about in a foul mood.
"Mary Lou - will you please stop banging around! And take that scowl off your face!" said Hannah in exasperation.
"It ain't fair," spat Mary Lou. "I wanted him, and now he's getting hitched to some English bitch."
"Hold your tongue, girl," warned Hannah, or I'll get Connor to warm that backside of yours. "I won't have you bad mouthing Hank's intended. Stop being so jealous - it's eating you up. Hank never had any interest in you, and you know it."
"Fuck you!" yelled Mary Lou. She picked up the bowl of eggs she had been whisking and hurled them at the wall. Splats of yellow trickled down the white paintwork.
"Uh oh, you've done it now," said Kayla in a hushed tone.
"Connor!" boomed Hannah. "Connor - get in here. There's someone here needs a good whippin'!"
Connor was one of the ranch hands. He could turn his hand to most things. Right now, he was sweeping up outside the kitchen window. Looking inside, he saw the mess on the wall. He had already heard Mary Lou mouthing off. That girl was a right royal pain in the butt at times - this wasn't the first time he had been asked to discipline her.
"Take a walk with me to the barn, little lady," he said, taking a firm grip of her arm.
"Get off!" she said crossly, trying to shake free from his grasp.
But Connor was having none of it. "You don't learn, do you, Mary Lou? Looks like you've earned yourself another ass whippin'."
"Make it a good one," said Hannah.
Mary Lou protested all the way to the barn.
"If you don't stop making so much noise, it'll be your bare ass that gets it," Connor warned.
"Like hell it will!" she stormed. "I'm not answerable to the likes of you."
"You're answerable to Hannah, and ultimately to Mr Hank. Hannah has asked me to give your bottom a roasting and that's exactly what I'm going to do. You know the rules. Accept the punishments when they're due, or go find yourself another place to live and work."
Mary Lou hissed and spat like a wildcat. She was so foul mouthed and ill mannered that Connor practically shoved her into the barn. He deftly undid her jeans and pulled them down to her knees and bent her over the wooden trestle.
"And don't think you're going to be keeping these on," he said, tugging down her panties.
"Connor!" screeched Mary Lou. "You can't do that!"
"Sure can," he drawled, eyeing the pale pink bottom. "I should have done it long ago. You need some attitude adjustment, missy, and I'm going to make sure you get it."
"Nooooo!" howled Mary Lou. This was mortifying. Having Connor pull down her panties and spank her bare butt was the worse thing ever. How would she live this down?
"You deserve this," Connor said, and began to wallop Mary Lou's rump. "You just think yourself lucky that I'm giving you a warm up before I take the strap to your hide."
"The strap?!" squeaked Mary Lou. "No. No - I hate the strap. I... OW! OW!"
She wriggled and bucked beneath the onslaught of spanks that peppered her bottom. Her poor rump began to sting and burn so much that she forgot about being half naked. It was a while since her last spanking session with Connor (just because she put a dead mouse in the left boot of some high and mighty tourist girl who was giving Hank the eye) and she had forgotten how hard his hands were and how much a spanking hurt. So she yelped and pleaded with him to stop, and when he didn't, her mouth spewed out a heap of insults.
Connor ignored her and calmly carried on, observing with satisfaction how the colour of her butt had deepened to a dark pink.
He paused and left her there for a moment to regain her breath, and then he picked up the strap that hung on a nail on the back of the barn door. It felt firm and hard in his hands. It would certainly do a mighty fine job of changing this sassy girl's attitude.
"Yeooow!" shrieked Mary Lou as the first stroke bit into her left buttock. It was agony. Her whole bottom felt as though it was on fire.
"Eleven more of these for you to take - and any more bad language and I'll double it. Understood?"
"Y... yes," sniffled Mary Lou. "But please don't do it hard... because it h... hurts and I don't like it."
"Well that's too bad," grinned Connor. "Because you, little lady, are about to get eleven zingers and it's going to be a few days before you sit down properly, that I can promise you."
Connor applied the strap diligently and with precision. He strapped one buttock and then the other, then adopted a different technique using upward strokes. Then he struck lower down, and when he reached the top of her thighs she shrieked like a stuck pig as the leather bit into the tender and succulent white flesh.
She bawled like a baby, but Connor was unrelenting. She deserved this. Mary Lou was kicking and bucking so much that she managed to kick her jeans and panties right off, affording him a fine view of her pussy. The sight fuelled his fire. He gave her the remaining four strokes hard, directly across the centre of her buttocks,
"Aaaiieeeee!" shrieked Mary Lou. "It hurts! It's murder!"
"No it's not murder, Mary Lou. You've just got a sore butt. Get yourself dressed and make yourself decent." He turned and went to hang the strap back on the hook, tactfully giving her a moment or two to retrieve her panties and put them on. When he looked in her direction again, he grinned as she eased her tight jeans over her blazing buttocks. "Ok, Mary Lou. That's it. Your punishment's over and we'll say no more about it. Just mind that temper of yours in future, ok?"
He stepped forward intending to give her a friendly hug, but she glared at him and moved away. "Don't you dare touch me again Connor Spinner. If I didn't need this fucking job, I'd tell you to go to hell, you bastard."
"Now you listen to me, girl. You brought all of this on yourself. It's about time you sorted yourself out and learned to control your temper and keep a civil tongue in your head."
He hadn't finished speaking but she interrupted him and, cursing under her breath, shoved rudely past him out of the barn. Connor stared after her and shook his head. Obviously, he hadn't spanked her hard enough.
Rose was tired. She had slept fitfully on the plane, and when she looked at her reflection in the mirror of the ladies room a pallid hollow-eyed face looked back at her, one eye sporting yellow and purple bruising where Pete had hit her. She gave her hair a brush, put on her dark glasses, and then joined the long queues
of people waiting to go through passport control. Now that she was here in Texas, the full significance of her predicament struck home.
"What is the purpose of your visit to the USA?" asked an unsmiling official at passport control.
"I'm here on holiday."
"And where will you be staying?"
"Oh. At... at the Armstrong ranch, Bandera." She hoped that was enough of an address for she had no other details.
"That's fine. Have a nice day," the man said.
Rose smiled wanly at him and proceeded through the gates. She had no idea of how long it would take her to get to Hank's ranch. Could she get a train? A bus? Or even hitch a lift? And when she got there - what then? What if he refused to see her? Or what if he regarded her with a cold fury, contempt towards her apparent in his eyes? What if he wouldn't listen to what she had to say? What if...
She stopped in her tracks. She didn't dare look up. For some reason she began to tremble violently.
"Rose," he said again. And he reached out and took her hand.
This time she did look up, and those wonderful blue eyes were smiling down at her. There was no trace of animosity or rage or contempt in them.
"Hank," she whispered. "Hank, I..."
He pulled her close and hugged her to him, almost crushing the breath out of her lungs. Then his lips sought hers and he kissed her deeply.
It was as if the milling crowds no longer existed. There was no one except Hank and Rose and they only had eyes for each other.
"What are you doing here?" she managed to say, her eyes filling up with tears of emotion.
"Cindy told me everything."
"Cindy? Oh..." It never occurred to her that Cindy would do that - but how wonderful that she did!
"And Rose - I owe you the most enormous apology. I am so sorry for acting the way I did. It's just that when I saw you naked with that... that piece of shit, I lost it. I couldn't bear to see you together. I had to get away."
"I don't blame you for thinking the worst."
Hank reached up to remove her dark glasses. His expression changed as he looked at her. "Oh Rose... look what the bastard did to you. I could kill him."
"No need for that," she said, realising that she was smiling. "Pete is worthless. Forget about him. And my eye is much better. The bruising is fading already."