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- Abigail Armani
Love on a Ranch Box Set Page 2
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"It must have been difficult, finding somewhere to live and settling down to a new life."
"It actually wasn't too bad. I struck lucky, thanks to a woman on the train. We got talking. She was a nice lady and I liked her. I told her what had happened and when she knew I was looking to rent somewhere, she told me about The Stables and asked if I might be interested in renting it. Well of course, I said yes, so she got on the phone and spoke to a friend of hers. And it was as easy as that. I love the place. It's small, but it's perfect, and quite inspirational when I want to paint."
He listened avidly as she told him about her freelance work as a children's book illustrator, and the various commissions she had worked on in the past.
"The problem though," she told him, "was that during all the upset and stress I somehow lost my inspiration to be creative. When I tried to work, I couldn't. I had some money of my own saved, but after the first couple of weeks living on my own I realised I'd have to do something to bring in some money, as renting any property, even a small one, is very expensive. So I looked in the local paper and saw an ad for a waitress in The Courtyard Café I was lucky that they set me on as I have no previous experience. Anyway, I just work there part time. It helps pay the rent, and I have the rest of my time to try and get back into drawing and painting again."
"I'd love to see some of your work, Rose," he said, but was interrupted from saying more as the waiter brought their main course.
The meal was delicious, and as they ate, Hank told her about his life as a rancher in Texas.
"Believe me," he said, "life on a ranch in the hill country of Banderra, Texas is completely different from anything you have here. It's a real working ranch where we raise longhorn cattle, Spanish goats, and pigs. We have real cowboys working the horses and competing in rodeos. It's a guest ranch and we get visitors from all over the world staying in our cabins, or camping. Folks like to get in some practice in horseback riding - then there's the hay rides, camp-fires, hiking trails, birding, fishing, swimming, volleyball. Hell, there's lots for them to do.
"That sounds fascinating. I didn't even realise there were any real cowboys - I think of them as stereotypes who just appear in the movies, herding cattle and having gunfights, and fighting with the Indians!"
"Hell no! There's plenty of modern cowboys - and a history rich in detail. Bandera County is 792 square miles of rolling hills, scenic open land, magnificent cypress and cedar trees, lakes and rivers, with elevations ranging from 1,200 to 2,300 feet."
"It sounds massive - and beautiful."
"It is, believe me," he agreed.
"Ok, so what do they do, these modern day cowboys?"
"Are you really interested? I don't want to bore the pants off you." Though the no pants bit sounds like a pretty good idea. Rose nodded, so he continued. "Let's see now, on the ranch, the cowboys are usually responsible for feeding the livestock, as well as branding and earmarking cattle and horses. They also patrol the rang eland checking for damaged fences and any other problems - they can turn their hand to most things like mending fences and maintaining ranch equipment. They usually move the livestock to different pasture locations or maybe herd them into corrals and onto transport trucks. Then there are the real specialist guys who train horses. Keeps 'em pretty busy, I can tell you."
"I really had no idea about all those things. So - in addition to all that, you have guests as well, and provide all those activities for them?"
He nodded. "Yep. The ranch hands help out with that too - taking folks on trails and overnight camping trips. Dad started that side of the business off around a decade ago and it's got more and more popular. He more or less leaves the running of the ranch to Scott and myself now."
"My brother."
"Oh yes? Is he like you?"
"Not half as handsome," grinned Hank. "We are pretty much alike in build, though I'm, a couple of inches taller and a bit older. He's the baby at 33 years. Me - I'm ancient - 35 now."
"That's hardly ancient. Anyway, I'll be 30 next. It's a bit of a landmark, don't you think?"
"It's just a number, though I guess by that age most people are settled, maybe with a couple of kids."
"Uh huh. So you don't fancy the role of family man then?"
"I sure do. I'm just waiting for the right woman. Ever been to Texas?" he asked, his blue eyes sparking.
"No. I haven't travelled much at all, really. Aside from a couple of holidays in Greece and Spain, and a trip to Paris last year with Pete, that's about it."
"Uh huh. Paris last year - so you still have a valid passport?"
"Yes, I think so." She looked at him curiously.
He looked back at her and grinned. "Hell - wouldn't it be great if you were to visit?"
"I'd better start saving up then," she laughed.
"No way, little lady. You would be my guest."
"That's very kind of you," she began. "But..."
"But? Ah, there's always a but. Okay, I'll be patient. We've only just met and already I'm wanting to whisk you away half way across the world. Still - you WILL visit one day. I know it." He grinned again, showing a row of perfect teeth. He resolved then and there to take her back with him when he left England in just over two weeks time. Hank was a man who trusted his instinct and had sound judgement. And his instinct told him that here was the woman he had spent half his life waiting for, and now that he had found her, he wasn't about to let her go.
Now it was her turn to raise an eyebrow. "I like your confidence," she remarked, inwardly thinking how marvellous it would be to really get to know this man. He was smart and he was sexy. Oh god - he was so sexy he made her knees turn to jelly. She picked up the vibes that he was also deeply attracted to her. Not that it was just physical attraction - they got on so well. Conversation was easy and effortless. She began to regain some of her lost confidence.
"Hank the Yank. I've never met an American before."
"Well you have now! And I want to spend the rest of my vacation in your company. How do you feel about that? Does the idea grab you?"
It grabbed her very much. "Sure, that would be great. Maybe I can switch my shifts around and start early morning, finishing at noon."
"That would be great," he enthused.
Rose agreed, her eyes shining. She drained her glass and looked at the empty bottle. "I think we can manage another bottle, don't you?"
"Of course," he said, and beckoned the waiter over, then watched in amusement as Rose helped herself to another large glass.
"I really don't drink very much - but I love this stuff," she babbled. "And I always tend to talk more when I've had a drink. Feel free to stop me if I get too annoying."
"I wouldn't dream of it," he said. He loved listening to her talk, and he loved her English accent. His eyes lingered on her ivory skin and wonderful flowing hair - and those eyes were beautiful. The wine made her more pink in the cheeks. "You really are an English Rose with that complexion. Does your mother have green eyes like yours?"
"She did, yes. She died when I was small."
"Oh, that's too bad. I'm real sorry to hear that."
"Thanks. My Dad raised me and funded my art college degree. But I left home after that because he hooked up with this awful woman."
"Yeah? Why is she so awful?"
"She's a brassy blond 20 years his junior, and she's common,. He could do far better than her. I don't like her. We don't get on."
"That's a shame. Do you see much of your dad?"
"Not really. Maybe once or twice a year. He lives in London with Sandra. I avoid visiting when she's around if I can."
"It sounds to me like you've been spending way too much time alone. We'll have to do something about that. Hey - how much wine can you drink, lady?"
"Oh I'm fine. I'm not in the least drunk," she said. "Just a teensy weensy bit tipsy," she grinned.
"Hmmn," he said, non-committally, and watched as she drained her glass and reached for the bottle. He snatched it
away. "That's enough of that, young lady. You drink any more of that stuff and I'll be forced to spank that pretty butt of yours. Now, how about some coffee?"
For some reason, the threat of a spanking brought her out in a fit of giggles. Coffee was duly ordered, and when Hank disappeared to the men's room, she quickly poured herself another glass and drank it down before he got back to the table. Consequently, she became even more light headed. But it was such a good feeling. She hadn't had this much fun in absolutely ages - and she was going to be spending the next two to three weeks in his company. It would be great.
Hank came back to the table and immediately noticed the depleted second bottle of wine. However, he said nothing, merely poured her a cup of coffee and listened as she spoke of places to go in and around Lincoln.
"If you haven't yet been inside the Cashedral - oops, I mean cathedral," she giggled as he words slurred, "that would be a good place to start."
"Yep. I've been meaning to go there. Maybe we can go tomorrow afternoon?"
"It's Wednesday tomorrow and I have the day off - so if you wanted to meet earlier, I could do that and we can spend the day together."
"I'd like that. Very much. Now - I have a hire car waiting outside, and as I've only had one small glass of wine, I'm going to drive you home."
"Okay," she said, rising unsteadily from the table. "I'll show you my little cottage if you like."
"I like," he said, holding her arm as she wobbled.
"High heels," she said apologetically.
"Too much red wine," he corrected, and steered her out of the door.
"Mind your head", she warned. "The doors are smaller than usual."
There was a loud crack, followed immediately by a groan. "Now you tell me," he said as he followed her inside, rubbing his head ruefully.
"Are you ok?" She tried not to laugh, but failed.
"I'll live." He tried to look censorial, but failed. "This is really nice. I love these quaint English places. This is cosy and full of character."
"Thanks. I'm very fond of it. As you can see, it is quite tiny - just the kitchen and sitting room downstairs, and a bathroom and one bedroom upstairs. Still, it's fine for one - especially as I'm only 5 foot 6 and don't crack my head when I go through the doors."
"That's definitely an advantage. I'd better sit down quick before I bash my head on the ceiling too!"
"I'll be right back." Rose went into the kitchen, leaving her guest looking around the room with interest.
"That's a nice painting you have on the wall."
"The bluebell wood? Thanks. I did that one."
"You did? I'm seriously impressed." He got up and went to take a closer look. "This is excellent. It's quite evocative."
"I'm glad you like it," she said, returning with two mugs of coffee. "It was one of the first water colours I did. I quite like pastoral scenes. They can be so intense, offering a whole variety of moods depending on the sunlight and shadows. Oh, here I go again, rambling on. Am I boring you?"
"Boring me? Not at all. Ramble away."
She did, and got rather silly and giddy because she had drunk too much. Maybe it was the wine that caused her to act on an impulse. She reached forward and tweaked his right ear. Hard.
Rose laughed, reached out and did it again.
"Ow! What's that for?"
"I can't resist. You have such tweakable ears," she said, eyeing the other one.
"You get off my ears. I don't like having my ears pulled."
"Is that so, Hank the Yank?"
"It is so, my English Rose. And if you don't do as you're told, I really will have to spank that butt of yours."
"Pooh. You can't spank me, mister. I'm a 29 year old woman, not a kid."
"Well you're behaving like a kid," he said calmly.
"Am not," she sassed, and reached out to pull his ear again. But somehow, she managed to knock his coffee over in the process, and scalding hot liquid splashed onto his thigh. Oh shit! Sorry! Sorry - I'll go get a cloth."
"Not so fast, little lady. The cloth can wait. There's something else I need to attend to first." Ignoring the burning on his leg, he swiftly grabbed her arm and hauled her over his lap. "I promised you a spanking. You had fair warning to behave and you chose not to. Now it's time to face the consequences."
"What?" She was completely taken aback, and quite bemused to find herself lying over his broad lap, her nose practically touching the sodden carpet, and her feet dangling unceremoniously behind her. "Consequences?" He couldn't be serious about spanking her, surely?
"Ow!" squealed Rose. "Just what do you think you're... Oweee!"
His big hand came down hard on her bottom. Her eyes flew wide open in shock. So this was what a spanking felt like?
"Stop it at once!" she ordered.
Hank ignored her, his hand rhythmically beating a tattoo on her backside.
"I said, stop it! You can't do this!"
"Watch me," he said, and delivered another blow. "I guess you won't be feeling this much over that pretty dress. So... I'll just have to lift it up a bit... like so." He eyed her bottom wolfishly. It was firm and round and encased in black lace panties. "Nice." He resumed the spanking.
"Oi! You can't! Ow! Ow!" squealed Rose.
"Oh but I can," said Hank. He was enjoying himself hugely. "You just mind your manners and apologise, then I'll stop.
"I have no intention of apologising, you... you fat ape!"
"Fat ape is it?" He fought hard not to laugh. "Right, missy - any more lip from you and this spanking will be on the bare bottom."
"Oh don't be ridiculous," she scoffed. "And get your paws off my arse. Eeeeee!" she squealed as he spanked harder. "You're obviously not listening to me are you, butt head!" She squirmed over his lap, involuntarily kicking her legs as the spanks landed..
"Did you just call me a butt head?"
"No," she squeaked.
"I see. As well as hurling the insults, you are now adding lies to the tally. Butt head will have his revenge... on your BARE bottom!" He tugged the flimsy fabric of her panties and pulled them down over her hips and thighs, all the way down to her ankles.
Rose froze for a moment in disbelief. This couldn't be happening. But then she felt the crack of his hand as it made contact with her bare flesh and she cringed. This guy really was spanking her bare bottom! And it hurt!
"Get OFF!" she yelled.
"No way, baby," he said, drinking in the sight of her. Her bottom was pleasantly pink where he had spanked it, with just a trace of a blush at the top of her thighs. Her legs were pale cream and perfectly shaped, and those high heeled shoes set them off to perfection. He grinned as he spanked and she kicked her legs, kicking off first one shoe and then the other.
"Owowowww!" she yelped. "It hurts! You beast!"
"That's me," he agreed, "the fat ape butt-head beast."
He delivered a few stingers to the top of her thighs, noting in satisfaction how she kicked even harder. In fact, she kicked so hard her panties flew off and sailed through the air, landing on a potted plant at to the other side of the room. Rose squirmed on his lap, affording him a tantalising glimpse of dark pubic hair and pink pussy lips. He felt his own erection increase. She was aroused too, in spite of her protests. For he could clearly discern the faint glisten of silver desire on her inner thighs. He smiled and spanked her some more - hard.
"Oh!" she cried. "Enough!"
"I'll decide when enough is enough, young lady." He carried on, peppering her quivering buttocks, admiring the way they flattened and then dutifully bounced back for more. She really did have the most fabulous arse, with buttocks that were full and shapely - just perfect for spanking. And spanking was something that he was really very good at! He didn't go overboard, and though he gave her a spanking to remember, it was far from excessive, and when he judged the time was right to stop, he did so. "Th
ere, now. It's all over now. Up you come."
He lifted her up and sat her on his lap. She was red faced and embarrassed and just a little bit tearful. She meant to pull away from him and flounce off, or even pour the other mug of coffee over him - but she did none of those things. Instead, she sat and sniffled and snuggled into his shoulder as he stroked her face and hair. It felt comforting. It was nice. He was nice, and his body was firm and strong. She made a mental note to ask him if he worked out to maintain his physique, but that was a question to save for later. Right now, she was coming down from the high of her first ever spanking. Her bottom stung and throbbed - but now, it was kind of nice, and the proximity to Hank was just wonderful.
He lifted her chin and forced her to look at him through that green-eyed gaze of hers. "You have to admit it - you asked for that spanking. You deserved it."
She pouted and mumbled that her bottom hurt. She was quite put out when he laughed at her.
"Honey, that was the first spanking I gave you and I'm damn sure it won't be the last."
"You mean to make a habit of it then?" She was genuinely surprised.
"Yeah, I do. And especially when you misbehave. We Texans have a cure for bad behaviour - and it always results in a bottom warming for some unfortunate lady. Anyhow, it wasn't all bad, was it?" he teased.
"I'm not sure," she fibbed, looking at him through thick dark curling lashes.
He kissed her then, lightly on the lips. It was a questioning kiss. He would go no further than she was comfortable with. She wasn't drunk now, she was in a position to make a rational decision on where they went from here. But her soft lips yielded to his and she responded, reaching out to put her arm around his neck and pull him closer.
He kissed her harder. She could barely catch her breath, so greedy was she for him. The fact that she was naked from the waist down helped enormously. Her little black dress was bunched up like a concertina around her waist.
"Shall we take this off?" he asked, and when she nodded, he deftly unzipped her and pulled the dress off over her head.